Look Back: US Open

The Skiboard US Open was organized by Skiboard Planet and Hershel Nunez. This event had two iterations, and were the first competitions held in the US since the 2006 Skiboard Triple Challenge, and the last Skiboard competitions ever to be held.

The US Open was held at Ragged Mountain, New Hampsire, in 2009 and 2010. Both events were held over two days with most participants bunking in the base lodge. These were some of my fondest memories in skiboarding. Familiar faces from all over the US and Canada, and even from Europe flew over for the event.

Slopestyle, Skiboard Cross, Fakie Downhill, Rail Jam, the US Opens had it all. Big tricks, and big spills made the events exciting. The competitions were well organized, with a friendly atmosphere. Really it felt just like riding with a group of friends, while the organizers and volunteers worked diligently behind the scenes to rank the runs, insure everyone was fed, and at the end of the day medals were distributed, props given, and drinks were had at the base lodge.

First US Open, 2009

Second US Open 2010

Videos of the competitions can still be found on YouTube here. Thanks to Hershel!